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Old March 19th 04, 11:05 PM
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From: (Jim=A0Hampton)
I've got you now, Twist!
My washing machine is over-sudsing so I'm gonna blow you in to Kenmore
I can hear your knees knockin' now, pal LOL.
I wouldn't miss this fun for anything!
Kind regards,

"Twistedhed" wrote in message
WOW! Home run with this post.....outta the ballpark! Just can't stand
it, can ye? Ahhahahha! Dissent among the bottom feeding lids....
Geogre and Lelnad had a falling's all there if you read between
the lines,,,several times Geogre has rightfully accused Lelnad of
posting in his style and manner, trying to frame Geogre. No doubt about
this claim, I don't doubt Geogre for one minute concerning this,,,Lelnad
was trying to get Geogre blamed for some extremely foul mouthed posts.
What's his name? Gordon Jump? Ah,,I'm thinking of the Maytag
man....,,honest,,,if you listen close in the rinse cycle, you can hear
it when I key...what they hey,,we got transmissions coming fences,
gutters,...why not a washer? I'm a bit put out though,,,Sears ain't what
they used to be..(Sears-Roebuck, now THAT was a store),,,shoot,way back
when, you could even buy a house from their catalog.

As you say,,too much fun!
Have a good weekend...I'm going after the Kings they SAY are in
again.... my radio contact in St. Pete is coming along Saturday,,,he
said he was gonna bring his digital camera...maybe I can talk him into
posting a few pics here when we get home.