YOU Should want to try CB radio INSTEAD/ ALSO ! It will be more
exciting on the BIG ROAD ! You'll get to see MAD DOGS waving BYE,
BYE; you'll know where the BEARS are so you won't get bit, too!
TRY CB---you'll like it ! And it may even save your life !
Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
\On 20 Mar 2004 16:16:25 GMT,
(DHOBSON123) wrote:
First thanks for letting me post here to this radio related group.....just a
friendly invite to a radio hobby related group that some of you might be
interested in.......Ham Radio Help Group....ALL are WELCOME! If you are new to
Ham Radio, a current Ham wanting support on upgrading, or a Ham that would just
like to help by supporting someone direct or mabye providing study material
then please give Ham Radio Help Group a look over (we usually have someone
giving out FREE study material every so often also....current FREE items in our
"Polls" is an ARRL entry Tech License book "Now You're Talking" ARRL Extra
study book.....a FREE 2 year subscription to HamTestOnLine (worth $29)....Join
in and put your name in the hat!). So far a great group of good diverse folks
from those new to Ham Radio asking questions to get involved to current Hams
upgrading or giving advice! Here are a few facts about the group thus far:
- 800 members and growing
- 4400 message posts in just a few months....very active group so if you join
in please set your mail code to "daily digest", "Special Notice Only" or "NO
Mail" and read posts on line because on busy test weekends we have averaged 100
posts in just a few days!
- Members giving and receiving FREE study materials so check
our "Polls" and posts (study materials like ARRL/Gordon West Tech,
Gen, Extra books..or code study tapes etc)
- Many members getting their first Ham Tech tickets and just starting
out......sharing testing times and support of members passing tests
is encouraged (over 60 members upgraded in just a few months!)
- Group has 5 moderators to motivate the group
- Sunday Group ChatNight and also EchoLink Net - 8pm cst (open to all
so even those that are not Hams can participate one on one and ask
direct questions or meet members)
- Many message posts on study help ideas, support, station building,
basics, etc
- Check out our Calendar, Links, Database and Files sections also
The main purpose of the group is to support those wanting to get
licensed, upgrade, or Ham willing to help with advice or pass study
material along (no negative, no political only).
This group is focused on promoting Ham Radio in a positive way so if
this sounds like something you might be interested in please join in!
de kb9umt Don
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