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Old March 22nd 04, 08:10 PM
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Default Ticklish Subject!!!! (OT)

OK, What happens to YOU if someone sneaks up and pokes you in the sides?
Ever seen someone who would
yell out, or scream what they were thinking, or even knock the fire out of
whomever happens to be in front of them?

Here's one that I heard about on the radio the other day. Got me laughing so
hard, I couldn't talk for a bit.

Seems this fellow nearby owned a service station not far from his house. He
hired a young boy (about 17) to pump gas and do minor chores after school.
It so happened that the boy was "goosey", or ticklish and would do all sorts
of unpredictable things if punched in the
sides. Being close to his home meant that his young and
quite beautiful (well endowed) daughter could bring his
supper to the station in the evening. Of course, he was aware that this
young kid liked the girl as well, but would
never say anything because he was afraid of what the boss would say.`

One late evening, the girl emerged and walked down the sidewalk. The boy had
just finished filling up a car and
was standing at the pumps watching this girl intently while wiping his hands
with a rag. The Dad noticed him watching her bouncing down the street and
got a bit of
mischief in him. Carefully, he tiptoed up behind the boy, and when she drew
near, he punched the boy in the ribs.
He screamed out loud, "FLIPPITY FLOP"! Dear old
Dad rolled on the concrete in stitches.

Now, I am glad I don't do that! LOL!
