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Old March 23rd 04, 01:55 AM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a

Hello, Dave

CB? You'd best take a trip to Wally's world someday. You go down one aisle
and let Debby take the next. Try and find something *not* made in China.
Companies are even moving out of Mexico to go to China. Nothing like
sending our whole manufacturing economy to go to China. Now our government
is considering an import tax to level the playing field. Just for grins,
what happens if China should nationalize all of our plants over there? We
have exported out expertise and manufacturing capability to China and now we
try to make money for the governement (and reduce unemployment?) with
gambling. One of these days, the house of cards is going to come tumbling
down. Already they've been tapping social security funds and a week or two
ago the government is trying to say they can't afford to pay.

This does *not* look good for us. Not good at all.

Best regards from Rochester, NY


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