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Old March 23rd 04, 07:46 PM
Dave or Debby
Posts: n/a


First of all, FORD stands for "Fix OR Repair DAILY," as Stevo can
attest to ! Second of all, I can't believe ALL the UN-American MORONS
out here who can make up "Racism," and what ever else their babbling
pea brains will spew, all just because I brought up a worthy CB news
item. Maybe they are members of the commy party. By the way,
McCarthy was vindicated by papers found in Moscow that verified ALL
the ones he accused of being commies in da US Govt. WERE COMMIES !
McCarthy was RIGHT---you is wrong---LEFT wrong !
Only Jim Hampton and the older people out here can teach you young
WHIPPER SNAPPERS anything, IF you are willing to learn!
China threatened LA===didn't that bother you? Or is yo on DRUGS ? !
Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 01:58:48 GMT, "Hamguy" wrote:

And just how many RED CHINESE components are in that computer you're using
Dave? Oh and BTW...the Ford Motor Company is investing one-BILLION dollars
to build an assembly plant in China this year. Your next 'American' car just
might really be Chinese!

"Dave or Debby" wrote in message
.. .
Yep, some REAL BAD NEWS on your CB newsgroup to report. Uniden has
NOW made their Classic great CB radios, the PC-68 & 78, which use to
be the 66 & 76, which use to be Cobra 29 & 25's before 1992-'94, made
IN the Phillipines, NOW they are made in RED COMMUNIST PUTRED CHINA !

I've been in a couple lately, and the quality is DEFINATELY less than
Phillipines, but still better than Cobra's quality.

We're talking about quality in CB's that were good since the 70's, now
taking a BIG NOSEDIVE toward TRASH status.

E mail Uniden and tell them that you are VERY UNHAPPY about their
descision to support OUR enemies (CHINA, N. Korea, and other GODless
states). It is probably a miracle that they lasted in the Phillipines
almost 10 years before Cobra quit making them there !

This is truly a SAD day in the CB world, where all these companies are
being "forced" by governmental policies to make their radios in RED
COMMUNIST CHINA. I bought as many as the OLD ones as I could get my
hands on, to sell in the future. I suggest all GOOD CB shops do the

Now we have Deut. 28 CB's. 2 Chron. 7: 14 IS the answer!
I'm back on ! Ain't NO doubt ! 4-10 !

Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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