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March 24th 04, 06:35 PM
Posts: n/a
(Twistedhed) wrote:
There is a lot about Lutz that relates to
Twistidiva that is why Vinny
Testaverde is mentioned and one can name
Cheval, Heritage Harbor and TPC too these
clues that will unravel his carefuly
hidden ham callsign
Article poste via Voila News -
Le : Tue Mar 23
18:03:31 2004 depuis l'IP :
[VIP 532284301978
(snicker)..but you called me "Dave"...and said I was
on the east coast....heheh!
admit it, you love being twistedhed
If I didn't, I may have had to reduce myself to posting in the manner
in which you have been relegated to accessing the group. But as you say,
I'm content with myself. Just because you hate *your*self doesn't mean
you ought hate those who are at peace with themselves. On the contrary,
you should warm up to these folks so they can share with you their
formula for successs and happiness
Hey, all you had to do was say you knew better than to try and pronounce
something that your double digit iq would never permit. That's all.
ok you can pronounce something we cant
No "we" was implied or intended except by *your*self.
No, I (in addition to the majority, =3D "we") can pronounce something
*you* can' "we" about it.
you happy now LOL you act like a 3 year old
Actually, that's how you are viewed concerning your obsessive identity
mania and foul mouth. Your access to the group confirms your recognition
of how you are viewed.
Article poste via Voila News -
Le : Wed Mar 24
17:32:40 2004 depuis l'IP : [VIP 532284301978]
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