March 25th 04, 12:55 AM
From: (Jim=A0Hampton)
Here is an honest question, Twist ..
Would you consider Clearwater management
better or worst than FCC management?
Hahaha,,,,YOU,,,,,are bad. I need to think about that one..I would have
to say,,the FCC is worse because they ignore a bunch of,,well, then
again, so does Clearwater,,,,I dunno,,,you broke my brain for the
night,,,gonna have to get back with you.
(not a hook, but then again ... it could be
considered 'loaded'). Then again, look at the
politics going on for the coming presidential
election. This would be funnier than a 3
stooges re-run if I didn't live in this country ....
73 from Rochester, NY
Why do I have a feeling the serious drama has yet to unfold? So what do
you think,,,,,are they gonna magically haul out Osama right before the