March 29th 04, 06:12 AM
In ,
(Richard Cranium) wrote:
Frank Gilliland wrote in message . ..
In , "Justin" 123 wrote:
yea, you are absolutely correct! it is against the law to do those things!
and doing them is WRONG! so I am glad that I am not. you see, I am not
marketing or importing these radios... with my license I can string a couple
of transistors to a pop can and use it on any band that I have privileges
in. And as long as I only make and sell so many a year (to be honest with
you I don't know what the number is, but it is more than 2)
Nope. Only one amp per year is allowed. See 47CFR2.815(d) and 47CFR97.315(a).
But he's not selling amps, Frankie. Can't you read?
then I am
completely in my rights. this section of code is intended for the "tools"
that put up and sell cb radio amplifier stores and if you look I am not
doing so. I am selling 2 non typed radios, it is NOT my responsibility on
how they are used.
Wrong again. The laws I cited above state that the amp is to be sold for the
personal use by the buyer, which must another ham. It can also be sold to a
dealer. It's up to you to keep the info regarding the sale in your station
records to show that you are complying with the law.
He's not selling amps, Frankie. Can't you comprehend?
if that was the case how come AES, HRO, RadioShack,
ECT... don't require a license to purchase a amateur radio??
Because those are tranceivers, not amps.
So, in closing... thanks for the message!
but, get your facts straight so you don't look like a tool!
Take your own advice.
You might put it into practice yourself.
Boy, I bet you think you look real smart posting this three hours after I
admitted my own mistake. Dumbass.
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