March 31st 04, 03:55 PM
Troublemakers of group out of woodwork, lobbying for K4KWH
From: (gw)
Newsgroups: rec.radio.cb
Subject: K4KWH now synonymous with N8WWM, KC8LDO, WA3MOJ
Date: 30 Mar 2004 16:36:20 -0800
Organization: http://groups.google.com
Lines: 17
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NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 00:36:20 +0000 (UTC)
(Twistedhed) wrote in message
My goodness,,,"Frank"-n-Nad come gunning hard with personal attacks
for pointing out JerrkyO is responding to forges. Nevermind that
JerrkyO knows he screwed up, the fact that he has two of the group's
known troublemakers attacking on his behalf and lobbying as if their
life depended upon it to get the focus off of his response to a
forge is a hell of reward. I kind of enjoy getting three for the price
of one. Now if only I can get 'Nad to react like he does when he
hears my name being called on the bowl from his dirty van down by the
water....hahhahaha! That must be one hell of a sight....filthy Lelnad
using illegal power on cb in his filthy van by filthy Lake St.
Clair, trying to get himself heard....and making himself madd-er by
damn twisti nutts dave
LOL....What did I do that allows me to dictate and control your
...what did jerry o ever do to you???
What did anyone ever do to you?
man i
thought you guys were friends...
Your thoughts have been shown to be that of a fruit loop.
now this....you really are a
pathetic liar and a loser aren't you????
If it helps ease your pain,,,,but most agree with me that the liars and
losers need access the group in the manner you are now relegated.
There is a time for anonymity in our society, but those who abuse such a
privilege and use it only for abuse and malice are cowards. Such a
self-recognition succeeds in tearing you apart.