"Steveo" wrote in message
So you enjoy reading -all- the enforcement archives here? Jerry Ox has
taken it upon himself to post -all- the CB enforcement to rec.radio.cb.
The best part is, it's totally on topic for rec.radio.amateur.policy,
when you tight ass hams get ran.
Hi gang!
Jerry has a legitimate concern, but I think he misses a point. I honestly
believe (and I may take flak) that most folks are reasonably law abiding.
Whether hams or cbers, it isn't unlike the traffic situation here. Most
folks are reasonably law abiding. By reasonably, I mean most folks stop or
slow down to 1 or 2 mph for a stop sign. If it is a rolling stop and no one
is coming, is it really wrong to continue? Then there are the flaming
idiots like the guy who nearly hit me yesterday. There were problems with a
couple of intersections at a bridge connecting the expressway a few years
back. People would go into the intersection on yellow even though there was
no place to go (cars backed at the second intersection). Consequently,
gridlock occured. They fixed that about three years ago with left turn
signals, allowing the traffic to clear from the bridge. Now (like the idiot
yesterday), some folks stop, see the light also red at the sidestreet, and
then gun it and go through the intersection (never mind the fact that the
other traffic has a green left turn arrow on). This stupid mentality goes
on in our society regardless of a license (amateur or driver) and I would
not paint all drivers as stupid or inconsiderate just because of that one
licensed driver. Neither would I paint all cbers or amateurs the same way
because of the actions of a few.
I suspect I'll be pushing up daisies, however, long before the flames die
out around here LOL.
Hope you all have a great day!
73 from Rochester, NY
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