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Old April 1st 04, 07:11 AM
I Am Not George
Posts: n/a

"Landshark" wrote:

"Jim Hampton" wrote in message
Hello Jerry and Twist

Twist, I'll stick up for Jerry on this one. He does *not*, to my

hide. Regardless of our standings, I'll listen to anyone not

(including both you and Jerry). I have no patience for some of the
knotheads with foul mouths hiding their identities. His point has

been for unlicensed folks to keep out of 10 meters. I agree with


Best regards from Rochester, NY,

Hi Jim,
Yeah, I too have a very high regard for Jer, but I
think Twist and others are trying to say is, that the
posts he made as of late really has no regard for
this group except to cause flames. I do understand
and respect the fact that the Ham bands are Freqs that
people have earned the right to use, but to make post
per verbatim on people that were busted for operating
in the ham bands without licenses, then gloat about it
seems a little excessive.
Now I have enjoyed many emails with Jerry and hope
to in the future, but to me these posts do nothing to prevent
illegal intrusion into the ham bands. I was probably the
only one from this group that called him direct when he
hadn't made a post for a while. I then found out he had
a stroke, and was relieved to hear that it did not have
any long lasting effects over it.
Jerry, get back to sitting on the deck and enjoy the
spring drinking those Margaritas, relax................


Jim how does he know Jerrys posts do nothing to prevent intrusion into
the ham bands. there are lots of people reading this NG not just
Landshark and his cronies. Also Jerry reads sees the many posts in
here that boast of illegal radio activities and say the FCC doesnt
care about enforcement etc. why shouldnt he think he could do some
good by posting the facts. Let Mark Beck take his own advice and
killfile Jerry or just dont read the posts if they make him upset.