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Old April 3rd 04, 08:13 PM
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(Twistedhed) wrote in message ...
(Counter Intel)
Its all here Twisted.

Sure is...but you said it wasn't. You desperately attacked me for
posting Dick's post you said not only didn't take place, but didn't
exist. Now that your clock was effectively cleaned yet again, and you
were shown Dick did indeed pop your miserable lowlife azz for behavior
unbecoming of a hammie,,,,lol,,you do the only thing an uncouth
neanderthal like yourself can do,,,,,react with anger and
knuckle-dragging posts about,,,taaa-daaa,,,memememememe!.LOL..
fool! Your forges exist nowhere except in your feeble, wrecked, tiny
mind and twisted psyche,,which is why they show up nowhere except in the
body of your posts with my headers added to them,,,same as your
more-desperate-than-ever pleas to anyone, anyone that will listen to you
cry like a beaten sixteenth century viking wench, that "ol twist wrote
you some mean emails that hurt your feelings. Nah,,you asked of me and I
provided for what you asked,,,,you, on the other hand, have had nothing
in this group but problems you blame on evveryone else and can provide
only more lies and forges and your word, which means

I can see why you are afraid of people

knowing what the real you is like.

And that would be,,,,why you are posting in such a manner. Your
projection is at an all time unhealthy high.

You need get over your self-hatred and bruised ego. No one is interested
in your feelings concerning me,,,no one. If it makes you feel better, go
create a group like "Twistedhed wrote me mean emails",,,or
,,,"Twistedhed haters club-footers" or something like that..your love
affair and bewilderment with my adept aversions to your personal attacks
is interesting and fascinating only to double digit IQ punch clowns not
unlike yourself. If you are that challenged in communication skills that
you are completely unable to get it together for a single day or post to
talk about radio instead of about me, you need seek therapy. You really
have popped and lost your marbles in addition to your self-respect and
reputation, Lelnad.

: )~

why don't you shut up and go away twistinutts dave? you are one of
the reasons this newsgroup has gone to hell in a handbasket. no one
elected you the leader of anything. you are just some dope user who
adopted this newsgroup for whatever silly reasons and now you seem to
enjoy arguing with anyone about anything, anytime...i have read many
of your posts and they all have one common thread.....they make no either you are on drugs or you are mentally deficient,
which leads me to think that your aspirations as some kind of free
lance writer of some sort are misguided.........go get help and get
out of here. we are tired of seeing you post here.......find something
else to do with your government paid free time....AKC4L......