"Massive Black Hole"
wrote in message
Leland C. Scott wrote:
wrote in message
Sorry God, I made an adjustment today..we'll
see if it helps.
Unless it has something to do with controlling
your behavior I can
guarantee it won't.
I have a feeling that you need to control your
actions as well, Leland.
Yeah, shouldn't let steve get under my skin. But I
did warn him about keeping his self control, guess
he doesn't have any. He went out and did somthing
really stupid.
There has to be some point in your life when you
realize that pushing people
to limits is high risk.
That's somebody else's doing. Steve's too drunk to
figure it out yet.
Take that as free advice. You know I am
Don't even bother responding - just take a good
look in the mirror and make
some adult decisions about how you want to live
you life, and be percieved
by the people that matter to you.
Many of which are not on this group anyway, but
thanks for the comment.
Leland C. Scott
ARRL Member
NCI Member
Charter member of the
Lawrence Technological University
Wireless Society W8LTU
"We learn in time that it is not subjects which
are controversial, but the manner in which
we communicate about them and the
elements of personal blame we
add to them in anger."