Frank Gilliland wrote:
In , jim wrote:
been here a lot longer than you frank.
You sure about that? And even if it's true, what does it have to do with
anything? Does it mean that I should beg for forgiveness and bow in your
actually it means zilch but why should you ask about grovelling

its all a joke frank. lighten up.
just dont post much and i ignore
the homophobes.
Then you shouldn't have any reason to complain. Have you seen the newest
addition to my vintage CB collection?
oh there are many reasons to **** and moan about this board. the akc
nudnicks have a point as it is on topic. the personal and sexual crap
has no need to be here.
no i did not see the site you mentioned for vintage cb's. someone might
care though not me.
you have anything for vintage antenna's? the ringo we've used is 35
years on and still kickin'.
back to you...
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