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Old April 7th 04, 06:14 AM
Massive Black Hole
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Leland C. Scott wrote:
I have a feeling that you need to control your actions as well,

Yeah, shouldn't let steve get under my skin. But I
did warn him about keeping his self control, guess
he doesn't have any. He went out and did somthing
really stupid.

I have known Steve for a while. IMHO, you can push him to a point where,
if he does not reel himself in of his own accord, you can find that you
went too far. With some folks it does not matter if you go too far - they
won't do **** other than give themselves an ulcer. With other folks,
pushing them too far can be hazardous. I view him in that latter group.

Sagittarius A*
300 million kilometers wide
26,000 light years from yore Momma