On Wed, 07 Apr 2004 16:52:16 -0400, Keith KC8TCQ callsign @ qrz dot
com wrote:
I am getting tired of all the name calling and assorted BS. Those who
need to contact me for whatever reason know how. I'm always willing to
have a civilized comment via email or phone for those who have my
number. I have no hard feelings for anyone, many of us disagree on
different matters, but everyone has their right to their beliefs and
opinions. I wish you all the best but I am sick of the BS, I like
intelligent conversations that work to improve the hobby. not the name
calling and childish BS being pushed onto the group.
I agree 100 %
In closing I'll say this, I agree with the idea that people should
follow the rules, but I disagree with some of the tactics taken by
some members of this newsgroup to push their agenda i.e. the name
calling and trash talking.
I agree 100%
Chuck, well no offence buddy, but heh sometimes you confuse the hell
out of me, one minute you are a christian, next minute you are using
foul lagnuage and talking about violence, maybe you and I have
different views of what christianity means, but be that as it may, I
did enjoy meeting you at the findlay hamfest, and I wish you the best.
Well, Keith, Lemmie tell you something ok? Christian is not some
religious role, it's a lifestyle. and It's a decision to follow after
Christ! and yes, I have flaws, and Yes, sometimes I don't act very
"Christian" always in here, and I'll tell ya, I've showed alot of
restraint in here, in the last few months. even when *I* was being
attacked by douglas and his clones. and another thing, when I decided
to follow Christ, in other words, when I got saved, at the ripe age of
10 years old, I don't remember saying, "Okay, I can't be a normal
human being anymore!"
Okay, another thing, The only so called "Threat" made to anyone, was
to the anonymous coward that made the blantant SEXUAL remark about my
Mother. Now, I normally don't get too work up over Douglas's taunts, I
usually just blow 'em off as newsgroup nonsense, But when Douglas or
his "Sock puppet" buddies start making Sexually comments about my
mother? I take that *VERY* seriously... I don't go around talking
about people's wives, about people's kids, (as a rule) about people's
personal lives, none of that, If I got a problem, I got it with *YOU*
not your family! My mom and I happen to be *VERY* close, when I was
"backslidden" living the stupid former lifestyle I lead, when I
basically "Walked away" from the Christian lifestyle I was raised
under, My mother stood by and said little or nothing, even though, I
knew for a fact, that it was killing her to watch her OWN and ONLY
SON, waste his life away in a bottle and in a dime bag. She loved me
no matter what. and if me sticking up for her and threatening to kick
someone's butt for talking about MY MOM is a SIN? then let that sin be
on MY BACK and no one elses! Yes, I happen to love my mother and
would do almost ANYTHING for Her. She's allowed me to stay here, rent
free for a long time, just because she loves me and wants to see
what's best for her son. She doesn't have to, She knows this, but her
and my dad have a wonderful relationship and we get along fine, I
abide by the rules, which are no drinking and no drugs in the house
and no women, my mother is old fashioned. and I don't have a problem
with that. too bad there ain't alot more mothers like that in this
country. maybe this world would be a better place....
with that, I am outta here too.. I'm sick of the crap myself...
73 and Thanks for the message Keith.
-Chuck Adkins K8CPA
Lincoln Park, Michigan
73 de Keith
p.s. I am at a stage in my life when I need to evaluate my priorities,
having lost my job, I am looking for new employment, and just getting
my head together, what with the recent medical problems ect.