Steveo, the soon-to-be Ex-Stalker
What Evidence Must A Victim Put Forth To Prove Stalking?
If you are a victim of stalking, check your state's statute. Many
states' anti-stalking criminal codes provide that someone is a stalker
if he willfully and repeatedly follows, communicates, or harasses
another and/or makes a credible threat to place the victim or the
victim's immediate family in fear for their safety.
In many states, the behavior must be "repeated," meaning it has to
happen more than once either to constitute criminal harassment or
behavior which the civil courts can address.
****Many states provide, however, that if the stalking is prowling a
place where you live, work, or visit, then one stalking instance may
be sufficient to commence criminal or civil proceedings.*****
In some states, like California, you need not prove your stalker had
the intent to carry out his threat. In Canada, you need not prove your
stalker meant to scare you, only that you were scared. You do,
however, need to prove your fear is reasonable.