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Old April 9th 04, 01:33 AM
Massive Black Hole
Posts: n/a

I Am Not George wrote:
"Massive Black Hole" wrote:
I Am Not George wrote:
"Massive Black Hole"
I may have read SOF a few times

LOL I knew it. poser.

Dood - you cannot antagonize me enough to want to kick your ass.

You don't
have that skill set. Save your idiocy for Mopar, who is probably
not far
from becoming your judge, jury, and executioner.

so what is he going to do, come through the screen and shoot me?
ROTFLMAO. we get internet tough guys like you all the time in this NG.
we are not impressed in the least dood. Now go beat off to your SOF
magazine and imagine you are Ranbo LOL

OK, Otis the Drunk. You just keep on babbling. Doesn't bother me in the
least, and the few folks that don't already think you are a ****tard are
going to hop to the other side of that fence.

Sagittarius A*
300 million kilometers wide
26,000 light years from yore Momma