"Massive Black Hole" wrote:
Steveo wrote:
"Massive Black Hole" wrote:
Steveo wrote:
Bill Darden wrote:
Updated version of the Car (including Motorcycle) and Deep Cycle
Battery Frequently Asked Questions can be found at:
Kindest regards,
Good link, Bill. What's your opinion of those dry cell optima
batteries? Are they worth the extra cash in your opinion?
Spiral Wound batteries ROOL!
I hear ya, I just wanted Bill's opinion of them. I'd most likely
put them in my snow plow trucks when they need them. That's some
heavy duty battery demand. I'm already spending $80 for a decent
acid battery, so the price wouldn't be that big of a deterrant
if I could rely on them longer.
Sounds like you need the deep cycle version of the Optima Spiral Wind.
I just use the Red Top. I think the one you want has a Blue or a Black
Or a good ole' rocky top.