Thread: Steveo Update
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Old April 10th 04, 08:52 PM
Black Hole
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I Am Not George wrote:
Leland and Doug have caller ID records

Proof? Have you been into the homes and seen the LCD displays?

from Steve's phone harasment

Conjecture at best.

they also have his license plate number from his stalking trips to OH
and MI.

Proof? Let's see the Motor Vehicle Department printouts linking a license
plate to a name/address.

Lee and Doug are sitting
on the new info do to legal procedings in progress.

Proof? Name of Police Department where complaint was made, as well as
complaint number. Dates, times, and the name of the prosecuting attornet
that Lee and Doug spoke with.

why does Steve never leave a phone number after his
harasing calls and visits?

Complete contradiction. Seven sentences ago you stated that they had his
phone number. Your statement was "Leland and Doug have caller ID records".

He says he wants to talk things out with
his victims but leaves no way of getting in touch with him exept
anonymous email. whats up with that. The answer is a lot is up with
that. more news as it develops

So far your theories are all conjecture, I see no proof of anything.

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