Duke Of Windsor wrote:
Scott, Any normal human being would say they are 99% certain, just as
you are, if you were around back then the tap dance he did and the
amount of stories he told about the posts are comical. He never
thought google would exist or deja news and it came back and bit him
on the transexuals ass.
I actually think Deja-News sold it's data to Google. I used to have a
Deja-News account. It was a much better product than google, IMHO.
Nothing against google - I use it all the time - but Deja-News would let you
search, then it would break up what it found by search engine category
(websites, usenet, blog's, etc.).
Every time some stupid company finds out that we like something, they
remove it. I suspect Russia. They try to demoralize us by making sure our
day to day life never runs perfectly. And then they train American wives
to implement the dastardly sneak attack.
Hotel sheets, rental cars, late flights, fast food.
What's not to love about consulting?!?!?