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Old April 20th 04, 07:31 AM
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Default WA3MOJ cries for help!

From: (Concerned=A0Citizen)
(Twistedhed) wrote in news:15151-40848A7E-488
Figures. Can't believe anything the coward says,

hey tipsy, why are you calling me a coward?

Most certainly.

Ill meet you

Well, since you are professing to be some type of tough guy, I may
certainly take you up on that. First thing first. Who are you? If you
are calling me out, don't be a coward and identify yourself. YOU called
me out, you need identify yourself once and for all. Otherwise, go back
to your little stable of orchestrated whoremongers I lined up so pretty
for you in the pound.

or anyone else like you and prove

othewrwise, so you coming to Lancaster or

not? or is that another Lie?


I never said I was coming..I said I might be coming and passing through
Pa, this summer,,,haven't finalized the plans yet.

=A0even when he finds
himself with the inexplicable need to be WA3MOJ's mouthpiece g.

I am not his mouth piece you have said I am

wa3moj no which is it assclown?

Tut-tut, coward,,already making excuses on not identifying yourself. You
made the invite, I expect to hold you to it. Of course, since you are a
coward and a blowhard, you will hem and hee and haw and not identify
yourself. Cowards like you hide behid nyms and keyboards all the live
long day. Don't waste my time with more of your yellow, impotent threats
and cries about who I think you may be. You're starting to sound as
twisted as I have made Frankie's psyche. I have admitted many, many
times, my opinion means nothing to anyone except myself, but here you
are placing the weight of the world on my opinion f who you may be in
order to cowardly duck your identity, which really wouldn't have been an
issue at all if you hadn't called me out,,which you did, no?

make up your mind punch clown.

It's your mind, coward, and mine to twist.