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Old April 20th 04, 07:45 AM
I Am Not George
Posts: n/a
Default Hey Road Warrior

--what do you think of this Twistedhed guy I am asking your opinion as
one who has seen many trolls on usenet. His trolling has really gone
down hill nothing new always the same old ****...bla bla bla
comunication defecit..bla bla bla hate yourself...bla bla bla self
esteem..bla bla Frank bla bla Leland...bla bla Dave hall bla bla bla.
Beleive it or not he was the best had for a long time now
he is in a slump.

(Twistedhed) wrote:
(Twistedhed) didn't write in
Awww whats the matter geo..? Are the chickens are coming home to

Here geo, 'have a tissue'. ) HAAAARRRRRRRR!!! hehehehehehehehehe..

Nothing is the matter snapper head

Sure there is, coward. You don;t even know who you are replying

that's worth a belly full of KC8LDO laughs,and you know that's a big
azzed belly.

laugh all

you want as we all know you are laughing at

your own idiocy is good to deny what hurts you. Such defense mechanisms are
ours to enjoy and yours to employ.

LOL assclown

Please refrain from making your homosexual fantasies into statements


No one said anything homosexual related

except you assclown.

You're in so far you can't help it. Not only are you projecting your
ignorance with your hack job and headers with who you are replying

but actively advertising your penchant for speaking of asses when
corresponding with one of the same sex. That is most definitely
homosexual related. Denying it won't change a thing.
Since you are always crying and menstruating for "proof", ,,go ahead
and prove it isn't Geogre.

since you are always accusing people of being
george post your proof that it is him, assclown.

Burden of proof is on you, kind coward. After all, you are up a wall
over claiming it's not him. Prove it.

Take the hankie and wipe you're ass with it.

Har-Har,,,he's too busy wiping you all over usenet,

he hasnt wiped ****,

Again, he has. Look at you, drooling all over the place about someone

called you....hahhahah!

none of you have i owned you from day one

Sure you have, which is why you are unable to manage the same access

email, coward.

you are reduced to telling lies as usual.



You're always on the floor and underfoot. A good place for a coward

you that has self-esteem problems and sanity issues.

=A0but suppose he did
take your advice. Given your penchant for speaking to other men
concerning asses,

No one is talking about mens asses except

you you stupid fuqqin assclown.

It is so ingrained upon you, we are faced with no other prospect but

you being homosexual. So be it. If you can't understand that repeated
mentioning of asses when speaking with one of the same sex are

slips (indicated by your admittance of not realizing you are doing

you need reminded in each post you do it, that your homosexuality has

merit in my radio group. Ask the lawyer (read: college grad) in the
family to explain to you who Freud was and why his works are adhered

by psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists worldwide. His

are the defining works by which those who have a repeated penchant

engaging such tallk into otherwise normal conversations are measured,
studied, diagnosed, and then treated. Ask wack-job N3CVJ, as he

several times a kinship to knowledge of such scholars, and it's no
wonder, since he was probably properly diagnosed with a similar

given HIS penchant for listenting to teen girls talk about sex by
illegally intercepting their cordless phone conversations and

to such conversations as "juicy". LOL,,,you really have a group there
each and everytime you say "we". Allow me,,,,WE know exactly who you
refer when you say "we". The two losers above, the criminal by
definition of the state of Ohio N8WWM, and KC8LDO, the one who

the criminal actions of N8WWM and in addition to Frank Gilliland,
threatens innocent usenet users because he was never taught any

as a young thug. None of you were. It's why you all hate yourselves.