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Old April 21st 04, 05:31 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Frank=A0Gilliland)
I welcome the opportunity to demonstrate that

you are a fool

In the first place, you are the fool to claim you pay 12.95 per month to
Time Warner from Washington State and it "farms" out your access to the
group through Colorado. Not to long ago, you made the same claim about
it "farming" you out through Texas.

I have admitted to lying in this newsgroup, and
on more than one occasion. - Frank Gilliland

Almost,,you were forced to admit such when cornered with your
insurmountable lies. In other words, the admittance was extracted from
Nevertheless, once a liar, always a liar.

and an idiot to any current or former military

personel, be they active, active reserve,

inactive reserve, retired, or discharged under

any conditions.

Well? Or are you too chicken to do that, too?

Patience, fat boy. I submitted the email you lie and maintain is your
primary ISP to the moderator and he will contact you with the
information. However, with your stated malicious intent, you may have
already shot yourself in the foot as you often do. Such groups are
moderated to keep out parasites such as yourself with such intent, but
I'm pretty sure you'll get the benefit of the doubt...once.

-----=3D Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored