Where's that military group, Twist?
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April 21st 04, 07:24 PM
I Am Not George
Posts: n/a
(Twistedhed) wrote:
I welcome the opportunity to demonstrate that
to any current or former military
personel, be they active, active reserve,
inactive reserve, retired, or discharged under
any conditions.
Well? Or are you too chicken to do that, too?
Patience, fat boy. I submitted the email you lie and maintain is your
primary ISP to the moderator and he will contact you with the
information. However, with your stated malicious intent, you may have
already shot yourself in the foot as you often do. Such groups are
moderated to keep out parasites such as yourself with such intent,
I'm pretty sure you'll get the benefit of the doubt...once.
Twist is going to let you talk to his secret sgt. rock comic book
collectors club oh boy
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