In , "2LD751" 2LD751 at COMCAST DOT NET
Has anyone ever found a REAL remote head/remote mount CB? I'm not talking
about the Cobra 75 style where the whole CB is in a handheld unit that plugs
into the antenna. I'm talking about something along the lines of Motorola
commercial radios and Ham radios that allow you to mount the head on your
dash and you put the main part of the radio under the seat, in your trunk,
or where ever. I've seen the Midland 79-290 with it's detachable face, but
there's no remote mounting kit. It's strictly for "security", similar to a
car stereo with removable face.
Royce made a radio that used a true control head. I have one head and its cable
(still with the price sticker attached) but I don't know what radio it mates
with. There were also those "one-handers" where all the controls were in the
microphone. Radio Shaft had a couple of those, and I have one by Courier called
the Nightrider 40DR. There were also in-dash CB's complete with AM/FM/Cassette
and/or 8-track, and they also used "one-hander" mics. I have one made by Nissan,
and I'm looking for an RCA Co-Pilot model 14T405 made for GM vehicles.
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