Frank Gilliland wrote:
What do you think about Asians marrying your offspring? You said that
you base your decisions on statistics. I enlightened you to the REAL
statistics, and you can verify those facts anytime you want. The
truth is that Asians are the most physically healthy and financially
stable of all the "ethnic" groups. What do your statistics say about
the probability of an Asian becoming a murder victim? I checked
myself and it's lower than a white Jew!
So would you let any of your kids marry an Asian?
Please get back to me when you learn the meaning of the word "racist",
Frank Gilliland wrote:
Whoever has the gold makes the rules?
Spoken like a stereotypical Jew.
Frank Gilliland wrote:
I just won't call you by any name at all. Just a
nameless, racist Jew.
Frank Gilliland wrote:
I have admitted lying in this ng, and on
more than one occasion