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Old April 23rd 04, 03:59 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In , "Race Warrior"

Frank Gilliland wrote:
Frank Gilliland wrote:
News station must be racist for announcing waver of requirement for

Posting examples of the racism of others will not dim the spotlight
on your own racist attitudes.

Your inability to respond with proof of the existince of Palestine
or the ability to refute anything I have posted about TransJordan is
a spotlight into your illiteracy, lack of academia, and overall
status as a dumbass. And your last sentence indicates that you think
the City of Miami is racist for lowering requirements for blacks.
So now entire cities are racist, eh Naziboi?

Your brain is splattering all over the spectrum, Race Warrior. First
you suggest that the -station- is racist for running the story, and
now you claim that I think the entire city of Miami is racist when I
didn't even read the story. Aren't you late for that KKK rally?

You are the moron who's response to the article was "Posting examples of the
racism of others ".

I stated your intent, pure and simple. Are you suggesting it wasn't?

They don't teach you much about complex thought in
that Skinhead trailer park, do they; Naziboi? Still don't own a
dictionary or any books about the history of Israel, eh mop jockey?

Still can't address any specifics about Haifa, eh Race Warrior?

are you no longer in the Navy?

Ah, so you have been talking to Twisty after all! Now I have to educate you past
your ignorance like I did him: I, like most other Marines, "enlisted" in the
USMC for a cruise of 4 years, after which I was granted an Honorable Discharge.
Is that beyond your level of comprehension? If not, why don't you try and
explain it to Twisty?

And why can't you get enough of a job to
allow you to purchase a $200 plane flight. Enquiring minds want to know,
mop jockey.

Are you really so stupid that you need me to straighten you out again on this
issue? Like I said before, if you want to throw away $200 on a plane ticket,
come on up here and I'll explain it to you in person.

Road Warrior wrote:

"Don't lecture me on Palestinians, dumbass. There is no such thing. Just
Trans Jordanians looking for a free lunch."

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