"jim" wrote in message
Landshark wrote:
"jim" wrote in message
Road Warrior wrote:
News station must be racist for announcing waver of requirement for
if you are going to post stuff like this then put 'OT' in the beginning
of the subject so people can avoid this nonsense.
Yup, next it will be creationism................. But it's
not only relegated to RW, numerous others too.
See ya Jim.
dave and debbie come to mind... back at ya shark.
Yeah sure does, it's all become pretty
much bs now, nothing but "I'm right, you're wrong"
from both now, with George in the middle fanning
the flames.
Any day riding, is better than
being a newsgroupie
73 Baja Stroppe Bronco
98 Buell S3 Thunderbolt
99 Ford F-150 Supercab 4X4 (antenna platform)