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Old April 12th 04, 03:33 AM
Roy Lewallen
Posts: n/a

The newer editions of that book (at least from the third edition) are
edited by Richard C. Johnson. It's an excellent reference, but I didn't
include it in my recommendations because Al specifically asked for books
on antenna theory. Jasik/Johnson has a lot of qualitative explanation of
antenna operation and a wealth of practical information for making
antennas, but I wouldn't characterize it as one that goes very deeply
into antenna theory. It does, though, have a very good treatment of
phased arrays of a few elements that you won't find many other places. I
do recommend it for any antenna library, but not as a source of
fundamental antenna theory.

Roy Lewallen, W7EL

John Moriarity wrote:
Antenna Engineering Handbook ,by Henry Jassic, 1961

It's spelled Jasik. That might make it easier to find ;-)

73, John - K6QQ