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Old May 6th 04, 04:07 AM
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Well not quite all legal. Seems he must clean up his act in regards to
the following items.

Section 97.113(a)(2) prohibits communications for hire or for material
compensation, direct or indirect, paid or promised. Section
97.113(a)(3) prohibits communications in which the station licensee or
control operator has a pecuniary interest.

We remind you that any attempts to threaten or intimidate Amateur
radio licensees operating on the Amateur bands will reflect adversely
upon your qualifications to remain a Commission licensee, and would be
the subject of a license revocation or renewal hearing. By letter
dated December 11, 2001, you were warned against the sending of your
so-called "felony complaint affidavits" to various Amateur Radio
licenses that you perceive to either cause interference to your
station or which do not relinquish to you the frequency on which they
are operating.

Complainants were advised by the Commission to forward any such
"affidavits" they received to the Commission, and that they could
otherwise be ignored. The United States Attorney for your jurisdiction
also warned you that the mailing of such "affidavits" is contrary to
law. Apparently you have discontinued those threats. We also remind
you that, in regard to the taping and broadcasting of telephone calls,
you must comply with applicable state laws.

In conclusion, failure to correct the deliberate interference caused
by K1MAN, and the continued use of K1MAN for pecuniary interests, will
lead to enforcement action against your license. Either would be
sufficient to designate your renewal application for an evidentiary
hearing to determine if you are qualified to remain a Commission

An adverse finding in regard to threats to complainant licensees, or
violation of state law regarding recording and broadcasting telephone
conversations, would lead to enforcement action against your license
and would be sufficient to designate your renewal application for an
evidentiary hearing to determine if you are qualified to remain a
Commission licensee. You would have the burden of proof in such a

The best thing that could happen to Amateur Radio would be for K1MAN to
be taken off the air.