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Old April 12th 04, 11:47 PM
Henry Kolesnik
Posts: n/a

When I was a dumb kid in the 50s we used to go into the garbage of those
hard of hearing and get their discarded hearing aid batteries to salvage the
mercury. We got quite a bit and used it to make dimes real shiny and let
the little balls roll around in our palms.. Several years ago I started to
wonder what this might have done to me and I did some checking. Several
dentists and a PhD metallurgist all said that the metal mercury is not toxic
and is not absorbed but the salts of it are. In dental fillings it's
amalgamated with silver. Just think how many kids played witth the stuff
and how may dentists have handled and spilled it. When it is improperly
disposed it can react with other chemicals and result in toxic compounds or
salts and when these get into the water system fish apparently eat whatever
feeds on the salts and concentrate it.
From the antenna standpoint I can envision a tall thin tube where mercury is
pushed up to the right level for resonance but it looks like I squared R
losses will be counterproductive.
"Cecil Moore" wrote in message
Forget about the feasibility of this question for the moment.
Could a column of mercury inside a tube of glass be used as an
73, Cecil, W5DXP

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