Hello, Gary
It could be a bad solder joint in the connector. Bend the coax back and
forth where it connects to the radio while you transmit and see if the SWR
jumps down (and back up). The coax might be bad or the connector(s) may be
bad. Check the connection at the antenna as well.
Good luck!
Best regards from Rochester, NY
"Gary Chenier" wrote in message
I purchased a used motorhome that has a factory installed CB. It's
lousy! Can't transmit or receive more that a half mile. I have tried
to tune the SW on the antenna but no matter if I lengthen or shorten
it the SW stays pegged at the top of the arc. I installed a new, thru
the glass mount antenna, and the same thing happened. I just brought
home a new radio and tried it with both antennas, but no luck.
Any suggestions?
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