May 21st 04, 11:25 PM
From: (itoldyouiamnotiamnotgeorge)
(Twistedhed) wrote in news:6603-40AE2033-53
From: (Snotgeorge)
On Fri, 21 May 2004 02:59:27 GMT, Big Dick Willie Big Dick
who the **** is that?
(didn't you know, everyone that thinks that the akc is a bunch of fags
is icecold)
Hehehe...and everyone who doesn't agree with N7VCF from aol is either
Tim, myself, or Road Warrior.
This already has been duly noted but thank
you for making it a fact now.
LOL..one can make the same statement regarding this very post you
made,,illustrating the presence AND posting of Frank Gilliland N7VCF in
this ng. So,,,,, hank YOU for making it a fact now. Stuff that in your
corn cob pipe and "gyukgyukgyukgyukgyukgyukgyuk" with Wimpy and Swee