"I Am Not George" wrote in message
twisty: just relax and watch the blinking light your eyes are getting
heavy repeat after me, i hate leland..
steve: wait a minute why should I be mad at Leland he has done nothing
to me
twisty: you fool he is the master mind behind it all he controls the
AKC he is the king pin he has agents watching me tormenting me
steve: but I dont want to hurt anyone
twisty: do you want to operate your linear? do you want to freeband?
steve: yes
twisty: then he must be stopped or you will lose that right
steve: oh
twisty: repeat after me, leland is the cause of everything it is
leland leland leland
steve: leland is the cause of everything it is leland leland leland
twisty: it is leland leland leland
steve: it is leland leland leland
are you trying to be lelands houseboy? har de har har
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