steveo was twisty's zombie slave?
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May 23rd 04, 02:51 AM
Posts: n/a
(I Am Not George) wrote:
(I Am Not George) wrote:
twisty: just relax and watch the blinking light your eyes are
heavy repeat after me, i hate leland..
steve: wait a minute why should I be mad at Leland he has done
to me
twisty: you fool he is the master mind behind it all he controls
AKC he is the king pin he has agents watching me tormenting me
steve: but I dont want to hurt anyone
twisty: do you want to operate your linear? do you want to
steve: yes
twisty: then he must be stopped or you will lose that right
steve: oh
twisty: repeat after me, leland is the cause of everything it is
leland leland leland
steve: leland is the cause of everything it is leland leland leland
twisty: it is leland leland leland
steve: it is leland leland leland
Do you say my name in your sleep, geo?
No I dont know your real name you hide your identity in here remember.
Listen you got to admit you getting all macho with Leland was strange
since he never did anything to you it was almost like some one
hypnotize you to attack him lol
I hear you are the one who is strange.
by the way I am not George..
Keep telling yourself that.
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