"Jim noname" wrote in message
I was thinking about trying a inverted v in the backyard attached to a
tree. I was going to make some kind of wooden insulator for the middle and
screw that into a tree as high up as I can get on a ladder.
I have a 4 foot drop or so on the back of the house compared to the front.
All my trees are in the back yard. Its sort of like a mini forest. Would
inverted V still perform well if the top wasnt above my house? I have
siding so maybe I would be better off just keeping the antenna indoors?
Just get a good antenna tuner and get the thing as high off the ground as is
practical. Many years ago, I used a long wire antenna. The thing went from
the house to a tree and then from tree to tree. It was several hundred feet
long and was fed against a multiple ground. All 8 gauge wire and it
performed like gangbusters.
Any antenna that is fairly long (multiple wavelengths of the signal) will be
fairly directional. I know I had good signal reports from Norway, Sweden,
Denmark, and Italy, but never got a good signal report from England. Just
Best regards from Rochester, NY
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