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Old May 31st 04, 06:31 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In , "Jim Hampton"

Hi gang!

After reacting to the noisy neighbor post and considering what I mentioned
about the noisy radio, I've got to admit that Frank Gilliland was right. I
sometimes get fed up with city living (I won't even get into what happened
over last night and the night before only about 10 blocks from where I

Best bet is to try nicely to get someone to turn down the stereo. Around
here, you can forget suing someone as most aren't collectable - but, a new
law provides a $100.00 fine for loud stereos. I don't know what happens if
it isn't paid, but for some problems, landlords can be held responsible if
they don't evict the problem. That would also solve the problem.

Please accept my apologies and I state again that your advise was good.

Best regards from Rochester, NY

No apology is necessary. Sometimes it's hard to remember that the
system really does work because there are times when it works very
slowly. But vigilantism just causes more problems. I have to admit,
however, that it was my neighbors who talked me out of torching that
damn house!

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