"RLucch2098" wrote in message
You really are a Low-Life!!
Talk about me for selling a few items which most apprechiate finding.
You sir are a Bigot & others will see you for that.
Besides, I am not Jewish if thats what you mean?
You are a loser my friend, not I!
Thanks es 73...........RICH-WA2RQY
Cheep Manuals for sale @
Web-Page URL
Well you could do one thing Rich...........Stop
spamming the newsgroup. You could make one post
listing all of the items, but you do 6, 7, 8 posts.
AOL does have rules about Spam, so do everyone
a favor, make one post with items for auction.
Courage is what it takes to stand up
and speak; courage is also what it
takes to sit down and listen.