N3CVJ claims Roger Beeps illegal
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June 3rd 04, 09:26 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
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(Snotgeorge) wrote:
On Mon, 24 May 2004 14:49:07 -0400, Dave Hall wrote:
Superfluous on CB. Especially on AM, where a very distinct carrier
dropping, signals the end of transmission.
It's not always easy to tell in a noisy truck with the squelch up. I
can understand where is could be useful.
nonsense,roger beeps or actually nasa beeps were used on the apollo missions.
Those were Quindar tones.
after the moon missions is when they started catching on with cb'ers. apollo
used am radios.
Are you sure about that? I thought they used NBFM as far back as the
Mercury program, but I could be mistaken.
was nasa using the beep as a sound effect to entertain us?
Ever see Capricorn One?
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