June 3rd 04, 11:32 PM
In ,
(Snotgeorge) wrote:
On Thu, 03 Jun 2004 05:10:33 -0700, Frank Gilliland
Maybe you missed the part about Quindar tones:
yes i did sorry. quindar tones were only used on the uplink, not the downlink.
i still think if the downlink were fm that you would here the squelch tail when
the downlink unkeyed. ?
That's because there was no squelch. Audio was phase-modulated onto a
subcarrier of the uplink/downlink carriers, and both were continuious
transmissions. The Quindar tones were used to flip between the mod and
demod circuits. I would assume that full duplex audio was possible but
wasn't used in order to save weight, power and bandwidth.
No, but the movie was good entertainment, complete with roger-beeps!
"Marooned" was pretty good, too. I didn't like "Apollo 13" as much as
I thought I would -- computer animation has come a long way, but it
still looks fake when compared to the special effects that were
state-of-the-art just before computers took over the scene. Damn
very true. i think the hbo series about apollo was better than the movie
I haven't seen that yet, but I'll watch the schedule to see if it's on
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