June 4th 04, 09:21 PM
From: (Steveo)
Frank Gilliland wrote:
You must be thinking of my AOL account that I
route through Vancouver whenever I'm in
Colorado, but I only use that when the
Issaquah uplink to the shill ISP in Ohio goes
on the fritz.
(Or when you're at the Mc Donalds on Lake rd in RR. g)
Or it could be the repeater he jammed when he said he had business in a
town he couldn't even pronounce (Lutz) and was "looking for" me.
LOL..Leonard,,,,,hey Frank,,what's the rest of the name? Hehe,,someone
got ya' on remote control and done tossed the switch to
auto-pilot.......get a life, Frankie,no matter how much you cry on this
group about me this and me that, no one but you and Lelnad gives a
damn.....oh, at times Geogre does, but he's more interested in swearing
and getting past shark's killfile and obsessing on Steve, much in the
manner you obsess on myself. Why, hell, if mopar and I were to suddenly
disappear, you would have to convince Geogre to join you in your random,
off-the-wall and offtopic attacks in the form of outbursts about Jay or
Toll. Of course, you'd curse Randy and Tim more often, also, with those
four letter words you like to toss around as insult.