Thread: flame wars
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Old June 5th 04, 06:39 PM
I Am Not George
Posts: n/a

Frank Gilliland wrote in message . ..
In , jim

frank i paid you a compliment also.

I was going to give a quick and easy answer, but after thinking about
it I figured this is as good a time as any to clear the air with the
group. I hope this diatribe prevents any misunderstandings that may
occur in the future.....

I know that I'm an arrogant ass, and I know that people don't like me
because of it. But I really don't care because this isn't a popularity
contest, and I don't have any desire to socialize with semi-literate
rednecks who think life revolves around beer, CB radio, porno videos
and "professional" wrestling (and no, I don't mean everyone is like
that). I'm here to provide tech help for those that want it, clear up
some of this CB-mythology, encourage fence-sitters to operate legally,
and get a few laughs by prodding Twisty into paranoid tantrums.

No, I wasn't born an arrogant ass -- I worked hard at it. I taught
myself electronics when I was a kid (mostly tube stuff because they
were cheap -- boy, those were the days!), I had formal training and
some radio/electronics experience in the USMC, worked in a commercial
radio shop for several years, earned my degree by studying hard, and
have worked in the field as an EE for over a decade. I know my stuff,
and I have proven that many, many times in this group by chasing off
the voodoo-tech-wannabees who used this group as a refuge from other
experienced and knowledgable techs and hams in other forums.

I am generally polite to people who are polite to me (with the
exception of some regular newsgroup keyclowns, of course). As far as
personality is concerned, people must realize that everybody is
different and will have different personalities. I couldn't care less
if a person is an arrogant ass, a sloppy drunk, or even a flaming
homosexual (which is -not- a reference to Landshark -- I don't know
his sexual orientation and I really don't want to know). I don't care
if they can't spell, or don't understand English very well, or have
Tourette's syndrome, or even if they don't have a CB and just want to
hang out here. What makes a difference to -me- is if they can think
logically and chew gum at the same time. Many people in this group
can't. Others don't care to try because it would probably result in
mild to moderate psychosis due to the conflict between reality and
their half-baked ideals they use as excuses for their behavior (does
this sound like anyone we know?).

I don't think I'm such a bad guy -- I just take my RF seriously, my
discussions logically, my coffee black and my Tequila straight. If
that doesn't sit well with anyone else, that's their problem.

lol twistyhead is going to bust a nut twisting this up word by word
when he gets his Webtv back on monday