Thats right, I was wanting to say john or something with a J. Thanks
for the first lead on the elusive Penetrator hunt.
On Tue, 08 Jun 2004 16:17:22 GMT, Gary wrote:
Hope someone can help on this topic. Quite a while back (over 6 mos.)
I read in this group about a gentleman who lived in S. Cal, Barstow,
Bakersfield, or somewhere like that, that would take a Penetrator base
antenna and modify it. He had a web site but I have done some searches
to no avail.Does anybody remember this man? Or at the least, does
anyone know where I might get some parts for the antenna?
I need the plastic bushings( standoffs ?) on the mast, the ones
holding the mast away from the mount and ground radials.
Thanks in advance to any of you that may have some info.