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Old June 9th 04, 12:43 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In ,
(Nicolai Carpathia) wrote:

LOL..Leonard,,,,,hey Frank,,what's the rest of the name?

You want me to come up with a last name for


I have everything I want. I've asked nothing of you at any time except
to back your bull**** lies. I merely asked you about this newest name
you're tossing about while drooling on yourself. concerning yourself
with me.

Then you -do- want me to pick a last name for you.

Shall I pick it out of thin air?

Of course,,,you aren't expected to change your obsessive tactics now.

or do you want me

Pay attention...I *have* everything I want and if you didn't suffer from
character flaws and communication deficits you would have caught that
the first time. I look to you for nothing except entertainment derived
from watching you spaz.

to come up with one based on ridiculous

associations and unlikely coincidences?

I don't want you to do anything that you can't comprehend, as it always
ends up with you cornfused, cursing and ranting on about twist this and
twist that, resulting in more of your lost self-control and illustration
of your low self-esteem.

But you are avoiding the issue, Twist. It's not about me, it's about
your own lack of comprehension when you accuse me of being somebody
else based on weak associations and random conincidences. For example,
take a few of your favorite words and phrases, put them through the
google-grinder, and only one name keeps popping up in almost all
instances -- Leonard H. Anderson. "Coincidence? I think not!"

Now go ahead and attack the logic of this conclusion, and when you are
through I'll have -your- words to use against -your- allegations. LOL!

got ya' on remote control and done tossed the switch to
auto-pilot.......get a life, Frankie,no matter how much you cry on this
group about me this and me that, no one but you and Lelnad gives a

And that's why you invoke our names on a regular basis. Uh-huh.

..oh, at times Geogre does, but he's more interested in swearing
and getting past shark's killfile and obsessing on Steve, much in the
manner you obsess on myself. wait a second.... didn't you just get done whining about how
"George" and I were the same person?

Why, hell, if mopar and I were to suddenly disappear, you would have to
convince Geogre to join you in your random, off-the-wall and offtopic
attacks in the form of outbursts about Jay or Toll. Of course, you'd
curse Randy and Tim more often, also, with those four letter words you
like to toss around as insult.

Which four letter words are those, Twist?


LOL,,yes,,,one can see how bored you must be to go out of your way with
such obsessive behaviors. Gain some insight and you won't need to look
to others for personal enlightenment.




"...but I admitted I was wrong, Like a man! Something you and QRM
have a problem with. You guys are wrong and you both know it and
are both too small to admit it."
---- Twistedhed ----


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