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Old June 11th 04, 06:22 PM
Nicolai Carpathia
Posts: n/a

From: (Jim=A0Hampton)
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
YAWN.... Who REALLY cares anyway?
Take three guesses and you'll be correct.
"I Am Not George" (cowardly, yellow google
cur) : )
=A0=A0=A0=A0wrote in message

He thinks cb is booming in the sandpile

Your interpretation skills are about as effective as your communication

and techs should go there

I said no such thing. Pay attention, clueless, I said if a competent
tech were to open a cb shop on the suncoats they would have a goldmine.
That you minsinterpret everything is why you must hide from the group
with your google.

that is just an

example of his delusion he talks about skip

when there is no skip

he harasses frank and dave hall

You have that backwards, disciple. Be baptized and be exorcised, ye
demon of Frank..

and jerry k4kwh.

Jerry never did anything to him yet

Twisty attacked him without cause simply for

posting about freeband violators being busted.

I didn't attack Jerry, I pointed out his malicious trolling for
responding to forged posts he knew `were forged when it was shown he was
a lying scumbag much like yourself. It had nothing at all to do with the
information he presents. In fact, one may google his posts and see I
never attacked him for his beliefs. In fact, if anything, I have
defended him in instances when, in hindsight, I shouldn't have,,,he was
less than honest and less than forthright, which compromised his
integrity and reputation, but I had to find out myself, even though I
was publicly warned on this group about his motives and sneaky demeanor.
There again is my problem,,,I'm too nice a guy and give everyone the
benefit of doubt until they prove otherwise.

Twisteds type posts belong in the pirate news

group or somewhere else not rrcb. Its time he

waddled off into the sunset and said sayonara.

Keep starving for status,,it's related to radio, whether you like it or
not. You're impotent concerning what comprises radio, and you're a
fascist, attempting to tell others what does and does not belong in
their radio discussions. Have a cigar, boy,,,,
Jim wrote:

Ah, be nice.

Allo Jim,,,,I figure that *is* nice, considering Frank tried his
damnedest to put words in my mouth once again, Kinda ranks right there
with his oft claim that I hate hammies.

He mentioned you said "skip"

when there was no skip. If you feel up to it,

inform him of sporadic e propogation and how

it doesn't affect everyone at the same time

Best regards from Rochester, NY


You can't educate someone who insists that since he can't hear any skip,
it must not be taking place.,,,...anywhere!

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