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Old June 14th 04, 05:38 PM
Chad Wahls
Posts: n/a

"Carl Jensen" wrote in message


I need a cb antenna, trunk lip preferred or could go mag mount
that is less than 33" and can tune to at least once channel.
Got a wilson for the road but got to get into the parking ramp
at work

Anyone know of a quality antenna like that who has got
one swr'd to work?

thanks Carl

I have the same problem with low clearances. When I bought my antenna(s) I
got a 2' and a 4' I run the 2' around town and local commuting but when on
the road swap out to the 4' as long as the antenna is tuned you don't have
to retune, just swap and go. Taking it off everyday is a pain even though I
always carry a leatherman. I don't know who, but someone makes a quick
release system, I have been recluctant to do this because quick release for
me is also quick for someone else, even if the CB theft as of late has
probably declined

I do notice a bit of decreased performance when going to the 2' but for
being in a mertopolitan area it serves my purpose well, I don't really DX.
The only problem I forsee is the proximity to the roof, I would certainly go
with a top load. My antenna is mounts on a firestik stake hole mount at the
rear pass side of my truck, I have found the 2' performance is MUCH better
there than mounted closer to the cab as many do. Yeah it kinda looks like
an RC car and I have to be more careful walking around it as not to whack my
head but it's not bad.

My 2' is a Firestik2 and my 4' is a FireFly I have been happy with both and
they were purchased at walcott CB, they have been a pleasure to work with!
They ship super fast.

Good Luck!