Fraank Gilliland wrote:
I don't hold grudges, Twist.
Sure you do, Frank. You are quite Twisted, my friend. The fact that you
can't even see the forest for the trees is a very pressing and serious
problem for you. Frankly, the mere repeated mention by yourself of an
internet personality that hasn't posted in years (1mangag, lmangang,
Toll, Eitner) illustrates you indeed hold a grudge. Your repeated
bitching, whining and moaning about Toll, Eitner and Jay when they
haven't posted in some time illustrates the intensity of how the past
continues to affect and reek havoc on your bent and Twisted psyche. Not
being able to see it yourself is the reason for the laughter you hear
directed toward yourself. Those not laughing merely shake their heads
with pity for you.
It wasn't me that brought up the issue of
voodoo techs.
It is you that continues to invoke Eitner and Toll's name.
But of course you can't believe that since you
still think I'm "iamnotgeorge2004".
Illustrating how profoundly what I believe impacts your life.
Now I'm curious as to what would happen if I
said that I -was- the "internet personality" in
question -- after all, you yourself said that I am
a liar and that I can't be trusted. So if I
proclaim myself to be "iamnotgeorge2004",
are you going to bounce back and say that I'm
Impossible. You are unable to proclaim yourself iamnotgeorge2004. I
already proclaimed you he, so there is no need for you to comment on it
at all, unlesss, of course, you are either desperately trying to
convince another you are not he, or are once again so encapsulated with
what I believe.
I doubt it. LOL!!! From now on I'll neither
admit nor deny any of your delusions -- it's
more fun that way!
As long as I'm having fun and you claim to be having fun, you should try
it without becoming personal and making me your topic. See if you are
able to entertain yourself without myself being involved in your world.
I give credit where credit is due and discredit
those that deserve it. Heck, I have even given
-you- credit for some things over the years.
But what you say means nothing,,,nada,,,zip,,,,
uh huh. right. sure. Does anybody believe
Sure, Frank,,those who have the good sense not to waste their time with
you,,of course, you accuse me of being 12 different people at this point
in four different states, so it's easier to say twistedhed is the
internet personality of all who have ever exposed you for the fraud you
are, and disagreed with you, Frank. This way, you only appear crazy to
those of us who really know you're a dishonest alcoholic who can't
maintain sobriety.
I merely enjoy watching
internet thugs like yourself become all consumed and ate up with
self-created frustration that always leads to self-destruction,,,that a
small percentage of those like yourself are unable to comprehend their
own deterioration and get over themselves is reason enough to permit you
all the razor blades you wish to chew upon.
Now I'm an "internet thug". When did I get
demoted from being an "internet terrorist"?
Why don't you ask whoever referred to you as an internet terrorist. You
really haven't a clue who you're talking to these days, Frank. You're
swinging at ghosts and have been reduced to complaining about me in your
personal email to several newsroom regs,,,,,talk about a serious
depressive and psychological issue. I always knew I captivated you and
my loyal worshipers of Dogie and Davie and Lelnad, but I had no concept
of to what extent until recently.
But I usually don't include Jay in the list of
voodoo techs -- he knows his antennas, which
I can respect regardless of his inconsistent
statements regarding other radio gear and his
position on illegal operation.
Another self-contradiction, as you have claimed that those who break the
law in any manner are not due respect,
I never said anything of the sort, Twist.
Sure you did, Frank. I even slapped you with it a few times until you
cried about,,,what else,,,,,,,,,,,memmememe..: )
Respect is earned.
Google that, my plagiaristic fiend!
You haven't figured out how to earn any
respect from anyone,
That's always been your problem, Frank. You get no respect anywhere so
you come into a cb room thinking you'll get it automatically, only you
were found to be an arrogant jerk.
so don't start whining
when someone else earns -my- respect.
I wasn't whining at all,,merely pointing out your self-contradictions.
No one is losing any sleep over what you think or don't think of them,
let alone any respect you may or may profess for one. As I expressed
when you claimed you have defended and agreed with posts I have written,
that means nothing. You are near the aardvark on the scale of evolution,
yet below the monkey, sucking up what bugs you are given, yet fostering
great admiration via mimicry. Not quite grasping the rung of which you
cling on the ladder of evolution is a bonus to bothering to witness your
and lest you forget, Jay talks dx
on his cb. Just another in a long line of bull**** from you,
illusttating you talk out both sides of your mouth and don't even adhere
to your own claims.
You mean like when you agreed to take our
conversation to email on the clearly-stated
condition that I participate in the military group
of your choosing?
Not at al. I mean like the one where you claimed you would contact the
businesses allocated to the freeband, which you said were suffering
interference from illegal cbers and you would post the proof here in
this group. I mean like the claim *you* invoked your personal
occupation, claiming you worked for a business legally permitted to
transmit on the freeband.
For some reason, you feel you have the right to demand something of
another for which you refuse to provide yourself.
So where is that group,
Provide for your claims, I'll provide for mine. After all, you made the
claim first and went as far as to claim you would contact those
businesses on your own,,,,,no one asked you to do that, as we knew you
were full of ****,,,yet, you insisted,,,the results were
predictable,,,,,when questioned, you would insult, evade the topic, and
run, run, run like the wind. So, provide your contacts from these
business, I'll provide the group of which you beg,in fact, I'll post the
url here on the group and everyone can watch you curl into the fetal
position and deteriorate even further.
The voodoo tech
list includes not just Toll and Eitner, but also
Skippy, Tnom, Brian, and a few others.
Brian? You mean Griffey in Chicago?
Hahaha,,,you have problems with every one who knows more than you.
Yes, Brian Griffey, the tech-wannabe who
hacked a "Class-C linear", claimed that linear
operation is not required for SSB, and thinks
the 'flywheel effect' happens without a
resonant tank.
you are ignoring the fact that I don't refer to
Sean and Toll as two different people, as I
explained before.
Well, at least you didn't use it as a noun this
time. But you really need to lay off those
hyphens -- they will give you away every time,
Leonard. LOL!
Leonard, am I now? Is this where you distant yourself from your claims
that I was "absolutely" Dave from,,,where was it again? Ah, it doeesn't
atter,,,someone is watching you swing at ghosts and kicking you down a
very long and dark rabbit hole.
OTOH, Leland hasn't posted in a long time yet
you "invoke" his name constantly.
Lelnad posts daily.
Really? Which sock-puppet do you think -he-
You shouldn't be so over concerned with what I think and take such issue
with thinsg,,,such as the fact that only you cry about eitner and toll
from time to time and front them off by name. Someone else may think you
are trying to make an argument that you aren't iamnotgeorge2004.
=A0You have defended him and N8WWM and
N3CVJ on numerous occasions
I have never defended Adair.
Hehhe,,sure you have. I called him the pound puppy,,,my dogie on a leash
and you fell right in with him and his "akc". In fact, you are the one
who continues to bring to the group the terms "akc" and "keyclown".
On the contrary,
I have stated many times that I do not agree
with his methods (if they can actually be called
Yes, you have stated this, but it is in direct contradiction to many of
your posts saying otherwise.
. Hall and Scott (and that's Leland Scott, just
in case some dopehead thinks I'm talking
about Scott69) are perfectly capable of
defending themselves, especially against your
paranoid accusations.
But of course they are,,ony,,,google is no accusation. One can google
N8wwm in this group and go back to the beginnings and see only yourself
and davie and lelnad defending Dogie.
=A0=A0when it has been proved the lot of you are malicious and all about
harassment by any means. Wasn't that long ago you were identified by
several on this group of sending viruses to participants..
Right. Randy accused you right after several others of us received
similar emails. You never could comprehend that you can;t send me a
virus on webtv. If you need to see the post, say it, but stop lying,
Frank. It illustrates how desperate you are in addition to your anger
and alcoholism you are dealing with.
and even if you weren't guilty, the mere fact that you were the number
one suspect (save your breath, despite appointing me as your personal
savior and anti-christ, it wasn't myself that blamed you) illustrates
just how you are viewed in this group. You not comprehending it is
You still have a problem with facts, Twist:
Sideband was the first person to make
mention of the alleged virus, and he accused
And Randy accused you, and several of us agreed. You have always lied
about the facts, Frank. So what if sideband was the first to mention
it,,,you were blamed and for damn good reason. You're breaking your back
over this topic as much as my referring to you as iamnotgeorge2004.
You and your sock-puppets often suggested
that I was Voobner.
But the whole matter
seemed to come to a close after Tim admitted
creating the file and sending it to Voobner.
The copies I received had no virus, and
Sideband never posted a header to prove it
was from Voobner or anybody else. IOW, your
perceptions are in conflict with the facts as
The "fact" is, sideband has never been caught in a lie in this ng, you
have, despite your concern with *my* perception.
And when I was gone for several months you
"invoked" my name on a weekly basis.
You weren't gone for a few months. You
refrained from posting under your own email and handle for a little over
three and a half weeks and began posting again from another ip after
having yours ripped and tos'ed from your chubby little hands for tos and
aup violations.
You're not playing the game, Twist. You are
supposed to whine about how I was only gone
for 2-1/2 months, after which I would quote the
paranoid response you gave upon my return --
"you were never gone".
You weren't gone.
And none of my ISPs have ever TOSsed me
as you claim but cannot prove
Sort of like you and your claims,,,,
(or even come up with any of your
semi-suspicious conincidences to support
such a lame accusation).
Exactly like you and your unsupported claims.
It is -you- that regularly "invokes" the names of those whom -you- have
a grudge, even when they are not present. =A0This most certainly
illustrates YOUR
obsession as one who can't "let it go", or let anything go, regardless
the pathetic whines you continue to offer holding yourself as victim.
You have been whining for years about how
Leland forged you, yet your 'proof', like all of
our 'proof', was shredded by Ockham's razor.
You can say it over and over but it simply won;t make it any more so,
Gee, that's what I have been telling you all
these years that you have been accusing me
of being N7VCF. Maybe if you repeat it a few
more times the Identity Fairy will hear you and
grant you a wish.
It wasn't my word,,,it was Dick's word, and you shredded nothing,
Speaking of 'shredding', there can't be much
left of Dick's shirt-tail after all your clawing and
Which has proven you a liar each time you claim it was I who orginally
identified lelnad as a it was Dick. Call it whatever you
may, you were caught lying again. Merely pointing to Dick's post when
you continue to attempt and lie and say his post was distorted, when it
was presented unedited, illustrates you have no interest in any truth
whatsoever, but a malicious, personal agenda and will lie about a
deceased man in order to carry out the manner in which you find your
alone Ockham,
You, a "self-professed" "professional
Not "self=3Dprofessed", Frank,,your alleged career is
"self-professed",Lelnad's career is self-professed,,,,you,,,AND Lelnad,
have inquired about my career,,,,hence, it is not "slef-professed",
chubby, but glad to see my words continue to impact you so.
never heard of Ockham's razor!
And if that wasn't bad enough you didn't even
have enough brains to look it up.
=A0=A0except your own credibility with often repeated lies concerning
who blamed Lelnad. Once again, I wasn't even present in the hammie group
in whcih Dick identified KC8LDO as forging myself and others.
There you go with another attempt at
"truth-by-repitition". Thank goodness for
Yes,,,thank goodness for google,,,I wasn't in the thread, Frank, as it
was in a hammie room. You must be into the hooch by now to try such
blatant lies,,but then again, we do recognize your behavior is born of a
Then you defend your grudge by misquoting
the late DM, a person that can no longer
defend his own statements.
I didn't misquote Dick, Frank. I presented his post unedited and in its
You posted it out of the context of the thread
and into the context of your obsession with
What context was that? I said Lelnad forged me, you said he didn;t, I
claimed Dick identified him as such, you claimed Dick did no such thing.
I posted his thread, unedited, by itself, and it clearly said Lelnad was
forgin myself, Tim and Train in the hammie group. You lied, Frank.
something that prevents you from functioning coherently.
The context of the thread prevents your claim
from functioning coherently.
you need see it again so you can illustrate just what part you
misinterpret as being misquoted by myself, even though I presented the
post isolated and in its entirety? He clearely stated Lelnad was forging
myself and Train and Timbo in the hammie groups.
Allow me:
I don;t bother to click on your links, Frank, but I have a feeling you
failed to present the post of Dick identifying Lelnad as a foger. Now
what would cause you to not post that lionk, eh Frank?
And I'm even going to add that link to my sig f
Another to dwell upon,,hehhe,,what an obsession!
You also whined about how I butted into your
business on a public forum,
Not true,,I said nothing of the sort, Frank, any time. Your pretty upset
right about now, Frank.
What's eating at you in such a profound manner?
You don't remember posting this: "Wrong. You
stuck your nose into someone elses business.
I mentioned you not once until you interefered
and began taking sides of the pornposting
It says nothing about a publiuc forum, Frank. In fact, why not post the
link to that thread? Oh, but wait, that would present that post in
context, rendering what you attempt to convey as utter bull****,
Strange, looking through google it sure looks
like you posted that line. Matter of fact, it looks
like most of 2001 was spent by you whining
about how I butted into your business.
Not true, Frank, but you go on making your posts and thread topics about
me and tell the world how its my fault.
but failing to
mention that I did so only after you continued
your malicious attacks on your 'critics' which I
had managed to silence for the sake of
newsgroup peace.
LOL,,sure you did. There were no malicious
attacks by myself,,,as I had no critics. These "critics" you allude,
were limited to N8WWM, KC8LDO, and Kari the Finnish,,er,,,
joined the fray and had your head handed to you,,,several times. Your
entire little cliqued out group of "antis" has been shown to be internet
bullies and cowards. You have aligned yourself with some real losers,
Frank,,,birds of a feather.
As I said before, thank goodness for google.
But of course, this won't be any fun unless
there are stakes involved.
Says you. I have fun all the time.
I suppose you do; that is, of course, if your
idea of fun is to spend half the day in front of
the computer, the other half in front of the TV,
and only taking time out to raid the fridge and
cash your welfare check.
So if you think that
you have the self-discipline to overcome your
obsessions for one month then name your
Frank, pay attention,,,I have everything I want,,,,you have nothing to
offer myself which I didn't already take,,,such was recognized by utmost
satisfaction with the manner in which you are viewed.
Where's that military group, Twist?
Same place as your list of companies you were to present that were
suffering interference from illegal cb. Repeating your angered stutters
is not getting back on the wagon, Frank. That you suffered so greatly
you needed to tell this group you quit drinking and outline the reasons
for such, then to watch you fall again and begin that downward familiar
spiral the bottle hands you each and every time, must be quite agonizing
for you. At least by wearing your alcoholism on your sleeve you gain
sympathy, as intelligent individuals recognize your behavior and
problems stem from a sickness and disease.
Yes, you do suffer from a disease. It's called
'excusum ad-nauseum'.
Where's that military group, Twist?
Where's that business list, Frank?
=A0=A0(Twisty cast the first stone)
HEhe,,,sure he did.
"...but I admitted I was wrong, Like a man! Something you and QRM have a
problem with. You guys are wrong and you both know it and are both too
small to admit it."
"...but as usual, your best simpl isn;t good enough."
"Athis is how proper communication wroks..."
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A 0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=
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Twistedhed ----
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