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Old April 16th 04, 01:56 AM
Posts: n/a

"Richard Clark" wrote in message
You are right (losing - unless it has diarrhea). What is described is
a vertical, half Rhombic, a Military application for many years. This
report appears to be about a design from yet another "inventor" who
has "discovered" something that confounds the experts.


I challenge any antenna 'inventor' to invent an antenna that is not
described in Kraus' book, at least at the fundamental theory level! Haven't
seen one yet and I've been reading QST for over 30 years (not to mention my
dad's collection that goes back to 1942).

By the way, I 'invented' an interesting antenna several years ago, which I
call the half-quad. The best way to describe it is dto picture a diamond
shape quad, fed at the side corner, half buried in the ground. Shows some
interesting patterns on the good ol' AO program. I came up with a three
element version with one feed point (center element). You can change
directions by switching a capacitor or inductor in and out of the two
'outside' elements. It didn't use terminating resistors. I couldn't get a
multiband version to work. (and, no, I haven't built it yet)

(and yes, I qualify for the OT club but don't want to admit it quite yet).