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June 16th 04, 04:37 PM
Nicolai Carpathia
Posts: n/a
On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 17:04:38 -0400,
Carpathia) wrote:
On Mon, 14 Jun 2004 14:14:44 -0400,
Carpathia) wrote:
Landshark wrote:
LOL!!! I love it. All I do is type Ditto to "LMAO" and notice Geo calls
ME a hypocrite. He should talk, right BP. He defends Doug a known Felon,
repeater jammer, porn poster, spammer, nut case. Leland defends Doug
too, so George has no legs to stand on when calling other people
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0La ndshark
Frank and Hall and both ran to defend N8WWM on many occasions, too. This
little group is what comprises the "akc" that Frank always refers. Hell,
"AKC" is one of Frank's favorite terms,,google THAT term and see who
pioneered it,,,Doug, Frank, Lelnad, Geogre, and that order.
I have also NEVER
defended any actions that Doug has been
proven guilty of.
That's only because you claim those reported by the FCC on the
do not constitute guilt of which the FCC claims..
You are the one who is quick to point out that
a criminal is not a true criminal until convicted.
Yet you seem to conveniently forget that when
the shoe is on the other foot.
It sure is,,each time the FCC makes a bust you agree with.
Nevertheless,,,here are but a few of your defenses of Dogie. As
pertaining to his bust, taken from "king of clowns busted" and "n8wwm
makes rainreport""
N3CVJ wrote:
" .......the complaint was withdrawn because there was either
insufficient evidence, or it was
shown that Doug was not the person doing the jamming."
I was merely offering an alternative
No,,the complaint was NOT withdrawn, as is standard procedure, Dogie was
sent a warning via certified snail mail, like the majority of other
first time offenders.
And just how would you know what Doug
What difference does that make? Try and remain relevant.
The FCC lists all actions taken. You have maintained that once a person
receives an NAL, that's it,,,you're guilty. You choose to agree with the
FCC and their actions except when it occurs to one whom you defended
Here's my personal favorite personification fo what makes you the grand
mastah poobah who holds court in the Hypocrite Hall....the one of you
justifying Dogie's illegal actions by pointing to others.......
"Whatever he did, he did because he doesn't like people like you, who
have little respect for the law.
Taken out of context, in the manner in which
you presented it, that could apply to just about
No Dave,,it's not taken out of context, as you referred to Dogie and his
bust,,,,not "anyone". Yes, it could apply to just about anyone, but it
applied to Dogie,,,,,so why attempt and obfuscate differently? You
defended his behavior by pointing to another. In fact, you say it's MY
fault for his behavior.
Of course, we have the more entertaining, liberal, tear-jerking, choker
you wrote in regards to Doug getting busted.... :
I have a habit of standing up for the little guy, when a bunch of people
gang up on them.
especially when the little guy is right. you don't Davie. In fact, you can illustrate NO thread, NO
topic in which you "stood up for the little guy" where a " bunch of
people gang up" on him.
You obviously are incapable of finding them.
In the very beginning, I took a stand against
those who ganged up on CBers for no other
reason than they were "different". Later on,
when it became apparent that the tide had
shifted, I took the stand to support the rights of
legal operators.
And Dogie was not right, at any time.
Maybe not his methods, but his attitude with
respect to illegal CB operators is pretty much
on the mark.
The ONLY people you have ever defended in here have been N8, Lelnad, and
When you and other like minded simpletons
bring unfounded accusations and pure
unadulterated lies forth and attempt to present
them as truth, then yes, I will defend the honor
of those you wish to smear.
Well, by all means, attempt to defend anyone you wish, but calling names
is not the manner in which to justify your bull****, davie. That's
almost as bad as pointing to another to justify one's behvavior.
=A0In fact, google Dogie's call, along with "sandbagger" and you are
right there in each and every thread, arguing vehemently and acting like
Dogie's arm-chair lawyer
If not an outright lie, it is an extreme
exaggeration. I do not condone some of the
things which have happened here that you
have attributed to Doug (Which there is still no
solid proof of). The fact that my name appears
in the same thread means nothing. Google
Doug's call and "Twistedhed", and you will see
similar results. Does this mean that you
defend Doug too?
Difference is, once the google search is doen, one can read for
themselves and see what took place, not what you tell people, as it has
been illustrtaed time and time again that you say one thing and have to
be shown you said the opposite at another point in time. In fact, your
posts are chock full of contradictions and lies.
But,,,,let's illustrate how close you actually claimed you were to the wrote:
"........there are people, that are in the know, that have filled me in
on some of the smaller details".
Yea so? Since I do not know the intimate
details of the situation, certain people kindly
brought me up to speed.
Yea? Tell ya' name names and I'll name names..since you asked
me first of how I knew what happened with Dogie.Who brought you up to
speed, Davie,,,as only those involved know what took place...of course,
one could read the FCC files, but you say that means nothing.
The FCC were the ones "in the know",,,not your mysterious non-existent
The FCC was one party to one of the issues.
But they were not the only ones involved.
Same with just about every other action taken against those busted for
interference. Of course there has to be other parties involved. Try and
remain lucid and relevant.
There are other people who personally know
people involved with the alleged "jamming"
Damn,,,ya' think?
They are in a far better position to offer insight
than guys like you who only know what you
read on the internet.
There you go again,,ASSuming.
The complaint came from club members
(those "in-the-know").
Now you're catching on.......
Catching on? Taht's rich. I'm the one that brought such to your
attention back when you were talking **** and defending this felon.
And then here is the one where you claim it
could be Chuck-eye who was impersonating
Dogie to frame him and the possibility was being investigated by the
That's a lie. I don't even know Chuck. Unless it
was offered as a hypothetical speculation in
response to something equally preposterous.
Whatever....,,it's there,,,you most certainly said it,,,,,,you also said
it was your understanding that the FCC would investigate this
.....hehhhehe......ah, never mind,,the post is there in those threads
for all to enjoy,,,,, but don't say you didn't defend Dogie when he got
busted. It's an outright lie.
I haven't defended anyone. I have only offered
alternative explanations for certain events.
No Davie,,,,,you blamed me for Dogie's actions. You said he did what he
did because of people like myself...that most certainly was not only a
pathetic excuse, but a desperate and pathetic defense of one that was
busted by the FCC. Odd how you always maintain one is a criminal for
daring to speak about freebanding and talking dx, but when N8WWM is
busted by the FCC, you offer reasons why he shouldn't be called a
criminal. I am quite satisfied with your replies in this thread, Davie.
You are shining.
YOU, of all people, who stand up for the rights
of criminals to be criminals, (until they are
convicted!) to stand here and accuse me of
refusing to drive a guilty stake through the
heart of another person
Here comes that exaggeration again you spoke of, davie.
(who just happens to be someone you don't
like) before all the facts are in and the courts
have ruled.
You are the one that ran to his defense. I didnt
bring this matter to you,,,you entered yourself into the thread to blame
me for n8's behaviors, case closed.
I guess by this logic then you really ARE a
federal criminal.
Your logic. Only you and Geogre and Lelnad and Frank have called those
who dx and freeband "federal criminals", have cried and cried that
the term applies, illustratting your supreme ignorance of the term. Yet,
when a federal entity (FCC), charged with carrying out punishments with
no court hearings says N8WWM is guilty, you defend him, deny you did so,
then defned him some more. Issues, Davie,,,,you have serious issues.
The sign of a true sociopath.
You're getting angry again and non-lucid. ASSuming status you neither
have nor can attain is non-productive, delusional, and off-topic.
Abandon core
principles when it suits you.
You have done just that by defending N8's repeated jamming actions while
calling others a "federal criminal" for exercising their speech of
topics of dx and freeband. A whack job and a hypocrite you are indeed.
THAT sir, makes you a grade "A" hypocrite.
Forest for the trees,,no wonder you and Frank adhere to each other like
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